Saturday, April 16, 2011

Why are computers sometimes refered to as superhumans?

Computers have been compared to humans in many ways.  In
terms of ability to store information and retrieve it on demand, computers can do so
with blazing speed and accuracy compared to humans.  In this regard computers have been
referred to as super-humans.

Compared to humans, computers
are poor performers, however,  when it comes to analytical thought, analysis of complex
concepts, recognition of subtleties in language, complex pattern recognition, and so

As an example, a human is able to recognize a
friend's face in an instant.  Computer facial recognition programs take seconds to
minutes to do so...and not always accurately.  Similarly, humans can identify a friend
or family member by such subtle things as their gait or posture, whereas it is doubtful
a computer could be trained to do this.

Computers have no
ability to experience or act on emotions…something that humans do every

The attribution of human qualities to computers, and
endeavors to build computers with human abilities falls within the field of artificial
intelligence (see reference).  Probably the most renowned and successful project in this
field has been the creation by IBM of Watson, a supercomputer that can play the game

Watson recently defeated the two most
successful Jeopardy players, Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter.

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