Wednesday, November 2, 2011

How is Dill viewed as a hero or heroic in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Scout certainly views Dill as her little knight in shining
armor who comes to Maycomb each summer, and a romance soon blossoms between the two.
Dill boldly tells Scout that he will marry her wone day, and she seems to accept the
statement willingly. Dill has seen and experienced things that Jem and Scout have not.
Dill regularly attends movies in his home of Meridian (Maycomb has no theatre), and his
description of Dracula immediately makes admirers out of the Finch
children. Dill has been to other places and states, while Jem and Scout apparently have
rarely (if ever) been outside Maycomb County. Dill's wild imagination is also a source
of admiration, and his curiosity about Boo Radley leads the children to many adventures
that Jem and Scout may not have undertaken on their own. Dill's invention of the Boo
Radley game becomes their prime source of entertainment for one summer. Later, Dill
saves Jem from having to explain why he was wearing no pants by blurting out that they
were playing strip poker. Jem and Scout listen in awe as Dill explains how he had run
away from home and ventured on his own to Maycomb just before the trial. Such adventures
made Jem and Scout forgive Dill for his occasional lies, and they viewed him much like
the traditional hero who appears from afar to save the day.

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