A summary of "The Open Window" doesn't present a
chronological straight time line because there are many
flashbacks. Flashbacks take the reader back to a time
before the opening moments of the story and give vital information that relates to the
narrative's present tense events. For example, the story opens in the present with the
"self-possessed young lady of fifteen" apologizing for her aunt's delay and proposing
that Mr. Framton Nuttel will have to settle for being entertained by the young lady. The
first flashbacks follows in which we are told that (1) he has a nervous condition and is
undergoing a doctor's "cure; (2) that his sister intervened with letters of
introduction; (3) that Framton is given to being a moping recluse. We are neatly brought
back to the present by Framton wondering if the aunt he was waiting to see was one of
the people his sister had said were nice.
In the present,
the niece ascertains that Framton has never been in the district before, that he knows
no one in the area yet, and that he knows nothing of the young lady's aunt he is there
to visit. Now she hatches her wicked plan and, after alluding to the open
ceiling-to-floor French window and the month of the year, begins her tale about her
aunt's "tragedy" that "happened just three years ago." In a flashback of her own
devising and that forms the critical part of her tale, she tells how husband and
brothers were lost in a bog while on a daily hunting trip. Then, returning to the
present, she speaks of how her aunt still believes they will return from the dead to
walk in through the open window as they were accustomed to
The aunt now enters and begins normal conversation
with normal reference to husband and sons being due to walk in through the open window
at any moment. Framton interrupts her cheery talk by exclaiming that he is to have
complete mental rest. Just then, the aunt, Mrs. Sappleton cries out, "Here they are at
last!" In a fit of horror deepened by the girl's good dramatic acting, Framton flees the
house as the three men enter through the open window. The resolution reveals the girl
keeps her secret evil to herself while the aunt classifies Framton as some inexplicable
and "most extraordinary man."
"I expect it was the spaniel," said the niece
calmly; "he told me he had a horror of dogs. He was once hunted into a cemetery
somewhere on the banks of the Ganges by a pack of pariah dogs, and had to spend the
night in a newly dug grave ...."
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