Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Compare and contrast the origins and ideas of Confucianism, Legalism, and Daoism. How did each relate to supernatural beliefs?

All three originated during and as a result of a time of
intense turmoil in China following the collapse of the Zhou dynasty known as the Period
of the Warring States. It constituted such a great conflagration that thinkers began to
contemplate the meaning of a stable society and the role of the individual within it.
Since the Chinese are not innately spiritualists, none of them contained truly

has no relationship to supernatural beliefs; it is/was rather a philosophy that
government positions should be filled by people who were honest and morally upright.
Moral integrity to Confucius was more important than a good education. Three special
qualities were emphasized:

  • Ren:
    One should be respectful, courteous and loyal as well as

  • Li: One should conduct
    oneself in a manner that was appropriate. Courteous to all people and respect for elders
    and superiors.

  • Xiao: Respect for
    elders and parents. This meant care for them in their later years and veneration after
    they died.

From "Daoism" meaning "the way" encouraged living simply in
harmony with nature, and disengaging from worldly concerns. It emphasized withdrawing
and reflection of oneself. Advanced education was considered worthless as it only
emphasized trivial matters. The chief moral virtue, known as wuwei
involved such intense withdrawal that one would not even visit neighbors, much less
interact with them; but would rather be content within

Legalism: Advocated
strict adherence to the letter of the law, with no regard for compassion, morality, or
even ethics. Legalists believed that the chief strength of a nation were its agriculture
and military; merchants , poets, scholars, etc. were useless wastes of time and
resources. Legalist teaching was that any deviation from the established law should be
punished so severely that others would learn from example and dare not transgress. If a
family did not report a transgressor, the entire family would be punished. If one threw
trash in the street, his hands were amputated. Draconian, but

More information is available at the links

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