Tuesday, February 26, 2013

During mitosis sister chromatids separate apart and migrate to opposite poles. Why does this not occur during meiosisI ?Botany-Mitosis and meiosis.

During mitosis, homologous chromosomes do not pair up
during metaphase.  Therefore the sister chromatids separate and form two new cells, with
the same genetic information as the original cell.  Remember the goal in mitosis is cell
replication - therefore the cells at the end of mitosis are the same as the original

The goal of meiosis is not cell replication.  The
purpose of meiosis is to produce germ cells or sex cells.  Therefore the amount of
genetic information is not the same as a body or somatic cell.  During meiosis I,
homologous chromosomes pair up during prophase 1 and crossing over happens.  Then during
meiosis 1 the homologous chromosomes split.  It will not be until meiosis 2 that the
sister chromatids separate, producing 4 cells that have half the amount of genetic
information as the original cell and are genetically different from each

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