Saturday, January 21, 2012

Please critique my answer to a question about societal change and agents of conquest in Guns, Germs, and Steel. Question is: How do the...

This depends a lot on how your own teacher understands the
meaning of this question.  When I ask this question, I am asking much more about the
second part of the question.  If this were my class, I'd say you overanswered the first
part of the question and really did not answer the second

To me, the first part of the question can be answered
simply by saying that institutions of society become more complex and more organized
over time.  I'm not asking why this happened, just what the change

The main part of the question, then, is something like
"why did becoming more complex and organized help societies get the agents of
conquest."  This is something you haven't answered.  You need to talk about why a
"state" (in Diamond's terms) has more agents of conquest than a band or a tribe does.  I
would say that complex institutions like centralized governments make a large society
possible.  A large society is capable of creating the technology that gives such
societies a huge advantage over primitive societies.  It is able to create the riches
that pay for these technologies.  In other words, to get "guns, germs, and steel" (and
writing and other such things) you need a large society.  In order to get a large
society, you need complex institutions of society.

So, I
would really not spend so much time talking about what makes societies become more
complex.  I would spend more time talking about why a complex society has more "agents
of conquest."

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