Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What specific historical allusions is Huxley trying to make in Brave New World?

Huxley takes the title of his novel Brave New
from Shakespeare's The


"O wonder!...How many goodly creatures there are
here!...How beauteous mankind is!...O brave new world that has such people in

Names are also

  • A.F. ("After Ford"): time is kept
    according to Henry Ford's assembly line

  • Bernard Marx: named after Karl Marx, a
    proponent of the socialist/communist state

  • Lenina: named
    after Lenin, the cruel head of the U.S.S.R.

  • Hemholtz
    Watson: "named by Huxley after John B. Watson, the founder of the Behaviorist School of

  • John: a "Noble Savage" based on the work of
    the Romantic writers (Rousseau) who said that:

  • a person
    raised in a primitive world, away from western civilization, has a purity of heart that
    civilized people lack (although Huxley does not portray the primitive world as a

  • Neo-Pavlovian conditioning: kids are negatively
    conditioned to hate books and nature using the methods of Ivan Pavlov's work with
    conditioning of dogs

  • Caste system: loosely based on the
    Hindu Caste system which also has five levels (priest, warrior, merchant, artisan,

  • Centrifugal Bumble-Puppy: a spoof on football
    which requires elaborate equipment and played in a large

  • Soma: "an intoxicating drink prepared from a plant
    and used in Vedic ritual, believed to be the drink of the gods."

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