Monday, June 17, 2013

Describe the main features of Early Renaissance art and architecture in style and subject matter.

The art and architecture of the early Renaissance
emphasized realism.  Artists wanted to faithfully depict human anatomy, emotion, and
expression in paintings and sculptures.  The architecture of the time emphasized
symmetry and featured arches, domes, columns, and sculptures that hearken back to the
temples of ancient Rome and Greece.   Both the art and architecture of the Early
Renaissance marked a return to the aesthetic values and styles of classicism.   It was
inspired by the philosophy called humanism, which focused on achieving human perfection
here on earth.  This was a dramatic change from the mentality and art of medieval times
where the focus was always on the wonders of heaven.  Early Renaissance subject matter
was still religious, but it was very much about showing the greatness of man and what he
could achieve.  It was a time of great development in terms of art theory and technique
as well.  Perspective theory was developed by Leon Battista Alberti and recorded in his
book Della pittura (On painting) in the early
renaissance.  This gave artists a system for accurately depicting three dimensional
space on a two dimensional surface.  Renaissance painters in Italy learned from this new
perspective theory and created works such as The School of Athens
by Raphael that showcased both their own artistic skill as well as the grandness of the
architecture of the time.

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