Sunday, June 23, 2013

In John Steinbeck's novel The Grapes of Wrath, who is Jim Rawley and what is the primary source of his strength?

In Chapter Twenty-One of John Steinbeck’s novel
The Grapes of Wrath, Jim Rawley is the manager of a federal relief
camp set up to help travelers during the Great Depression. The Joad family stop at the
camp on their trip west, and Rawley comes to greet them the next morning and see if they
have any unmet needs.

During the course of his discussion
with Ma Joad, Rawley reveals a number of strengths, both as a person and as a literary
character.  Rawley’s strengths as a person include the

  • He is courteous, as when he greets

  • He is respectful, as when he addresses Ma as “Mrs.

  • He is thoughtful and concerned, as when he asks Ma
    if the Joads have everything they need.

  • He appreciates
    beauty and a sense of community, as when he praises the singing of the women who worked
    together while washing.

  • He is modest, as when he denies
    being the “boss” of the camp.

  • He is generous in his
    praise, as when he extols the hard work of the camp’s


They keep the camp clean, they keep order, they
do everything. I never saw such

  • He is
    subtly aware of the needs of others, as when he asks Ma for a cup of coffee so that she
    can show him her own courtesy and demonstrate her own kindness toward

  • He is accommodating, as when claims that he
    always drinks his coffee without sugar. (Ma has no sugar and is

  • He is attentive and available, as when he
    tells Ma (but not in a boastful way) that he is in his office all the

  • In short, the source of Jim Rawley’s general
    strength is his concern for others.

As a
literary character, Rawley is strong for some additional reasons, including the

  • He is

  • He seems to be the kind of “boss” or
    neighbor whom almost anyone would like to have.

  • He is an
    effective foil to some of the other, less attractive characters Steinbeck has

If Rawley has any flaw as a literary
character, it may be, perhaps, that he seems almost too good to be true. He is obviously
a character designed to illustrate various virtues, and he is so entirely virtuous that
he runs the risk of seem stereotypical and lacking in full human complexity. He runs the
risk of seeming a stick figure, a plastic saint. Fortunately, his appearance in the
novel is brief. Otherwise he might seem too saccharine a figure – too

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