Tuesday, January 19, 2016

In Cormac McCarthy's novel The Road, why do you think McCarthy has chosen not to give his characters names?

Several reasons suggest themselves for Cormac McCarthy’s
decision not to give names to the characters in his novel The
.  Among those reasons are the

  • Leaving the characters unnamed adds
    to the eerie, creepy mystery of the book.  Just as we have no idea exactly what kind of
    disaster has descended on the people of this book, so we have no idea of the precise
    names of the characters affected by the disaster. Giving the characters names might have
    helped make the disaster seem somehow explicable.  Instead, McCarthy intrigues and
    disturbs us by creating massive uncertainty.

  • Use of
    unnamed characters is immediately intriguing and provokes immediate questions, as in the
    very first sentence of the book:


When he woke in the woods in the dark of the
night he’d reach out to touch the child sleeping beside

  • Leaving the
    characters unnamed makes them more “archetypal.” That is, they seem to be
    representatives of human beings in general rather than merely specific, identifiable,
    particular human beings. The father and son, especially, symbolize the relationship
    between any father and any son, or between any loving parent and beloved

  • Ironically, the use of characters who are not
    precisely identified makes it possible for readers to identify and empathize with them
    (at least with the father and son). We can relate to them more easily partly because
    they could be any two people rather than two people in

  • The other characters, also unnamed, are often
    frightening, and partly they are frightening because they, too, represent archetypal
    traits (such as “the predator,” “the potential killer,” etc.).  In the same way that
    Flannery O’Connor’s famous character The Misfit would seem less ominously threatening if
    he were named Irving Kasnoznich, so the unnamed hunter whom the father kills in order to
    protect himself and his son is more disturbing as an unnamed hunter than if he were
    Frank Kowalski.  :-)

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