The tone of Beowulf’s speech when he first introduces
himself to Hrothgar (lines 407-55 in the Seamus Heaney translation) is revealing in many
different respects, including the
- Beowulf first introduces
himself not as “Beowulf” but as “Hygelac’s kinsman,” thus showing his modesty and his
loyalty to his own king (407). - Along with displaying
modesty, however, he also makes his heroic qualifications
. . . When I was
I had great triumphs.
- He shows his respect for wise elders.
(415-17) - He is not reluctant to boast a bit about his
“awesome strength” (418), thus once again suggesting his qualifications as a
hero. - In particular, he alludes to his qualifications as
a potential monster-killer when he mentions how he
. . . battled and bound five
raided a troll-nest and in the
slaughtered sea-brutes.
- He makes
clear that he doesn’t go looking for fights but is happy to help those in need
(422-24). - He shows respect and deference toward Hrothgar
rather than seeming egocentric; he makes a “request” to fight Grendel rather than merely
announcing that fighting Grendel is what he intends to do
(427). - He humbly acknowledges Hrothgar’s authority
(430). - He announces that his intent, in killing Grendel,
is not to increase his own reputation but “to heighten Hygelac’s fame”
(435). - He indicates his extreme courage and, implicitly,
his extreme confidence in God’s providence. - He explicitly
shows his deference to God (440-41). - He shows a kind of
stoic calmness (even perhaps a bit of humor) in imagining what will happen to him if
Grendel wins the fight (445-51). - He shows his practical
side by making provisions for his possessions if he should be killed
(452-54). - He once again shows his loyalty and deference
to his king (454). - He acknowledges the power of Fate and
expresses his ready acceptance of it (455).
this speech, therefore, Beowulf displays many traits of an archetypal early Christian
hero. He is humble, wise, strong, brave, loyal, generous, and extremely articulate. He
knows his place in the “great chain of being” (the cosmic hierarchy); his reason is
tightly in control of his passions; he avoids pride (the root of all sin); he is aware
that earthly life is mutable; he is equally aware that the prospect of life in heaven
with God promises an escape from earthly mutability; and he attempts to live his life in
ways that will glorify both his earthly king and his heavenly
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