Saturday, May 18, 2013

Discuss the idea of conformity versus individuality as presened in fahrenheit 451.

The story of the novel is Montag's move from a conformist
to an individual.  In the opening pages the reader sees Montag as the ultimate example
of a conforming member of society and "fireman."  He doesn't question what he is doing
and actually revels in his duty of burning books.  He may not be particularly happy in
his marriage, but he doesn't question it or his wife (and her friends)

When Montag meets Clarisse, he begins to question
his previous conformity.  Slowly he sees the value in books and the life they open up
for him.  By questioning and confronting his duty, his marriage, and indeed the whole
society, Montag chooses to pursue another path.  He eventually refuses to conform and
leaves the city in order to live outside the oppressive culture.  On the road, holding
bits and pieces of books in his head, he expresses his individuality.  The reader comes
to understand that conformity is dull and dangerous.

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