Monday, May 20, 2013

In the poem "Daffodils," how does nature affect the author's state of mind?

Nature positively affects the author's state of mind in a
variety of ways.

First, the author experiences much of
nature starting with the sky by imagining himself a cloud. This point of view gives him
the opportunity to see how vast the beautiful and happy flowers are. It seems to him
that at a glance his eye can capture tens of thousands of them. Also, he considers the
daffodils in comparison to the sparkling waves of the ocean. He seems to say that the
daffodils are happier than the waves.

Second, the author
uses word choice to express how the daffodils make him feel: pleasure, jocund,
and gay.

Third, he
gives the daffodils action, the ability to dance. This could also be considered
personification. Dancing is an act that occurs out of celebration, not

Finally, the author reflects later upon this
image and he can re-create the image in his head, especially when he's in an empty mood.
This image is one he wishes to remember and upon remembering it, his mood is


For oft, when on my couch I lie
vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is
the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
dances with the

P.S. I
noticed that you had several questions in your opportunity to provide further detail to
explain your original question. As editors, we are only to answer one question at a
time, so you can repost those in separate questions if you like.

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