Sunday, February 23, 2014

Compare The Road and Frankenstein.

I think that both of them place an emphasis on the
relationship between father and son, the creator and the created.  McCarthy's work
reflects a redemptive quality to this dynamic.  In a world where all else is desolate,
there is fertility and emotional salvation in the manner in which the father loves and
cares for his son.  There is an unconditional element that is present in their
relationship that marks this relationship.  Shelley's work might present the opposite of
this experience.  The relationship between Victor and the monster is one of resentment
and abandonment.  Confronted with the reality of Victor's creation, he abandons it and
abdicates his responsibility.  The father in McCarthy's work has every opportunity to
leave his son, given the setting, but never does.  There is a selflessness that is
present in his actions that Victor completely lacks as a father- figure, himself.  I
think that exploring how both works can show the different extremes of men towards their
responsibilities would be a point of significant comparison between both

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