Thursday, February 13, 2014

What is the justification of "The Gift of the Magi"?

The story is about giving the ultimate gift, a perfect act
of love that cannot be expressed any other way. The young couple in the story is very
poor, but they both sacrifice the things they love the most: his gold watch and her
long, beautiful hair, to get a gift for each other that they know is the perfect gift
for each of them.

Unfortunately, the costs for these gifts
are the very things that they are trying to surprise each other with.  She cuts off and
sells her hair to buy him a new chain for his watch; he sells his watch to buy her combs
for her long, beautiful hair. However, as the narrator says, just like the wise Magi who
brought gifts to the baby Jesus, so was this couple wise in sacrificing their most
precious possessions to give a gift from the heart.  “They were the magi,” and
definitely justified in their gifts.

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