Saturday, July 25, 2015

What are 6 different ways in which judges are selected based on the different court systems?Judges are elected or selected within each state and...

All judges in the federal judicial system are appointed by
the President of the United States and must be confirmed by the Senate. Justices to the
Supreme Court and normally the Courts of Appeals are hand picked by the President,
usually with the advice of his chief of staff, attorney general, or other legal adviser.
There is no particular qualification, although most recent Supreme Court justices have
either been federal judges or had substantial experience practicing before Federal
Courts. District Judges, Judges to the Tax Court, Court of Claims, etc. are also
appointed by the President, but usually with advice from another group, such as the IRS.
When District Judges and U.S. Magistrates are appointed, the President normally consults
with the senior Senator from that area, or the Senator from that area who is a member of
his political party and receives suggestions from

State judges are appointed in a number of ways. In
some states, they are chosen/elected by the legislature of the state. Not surprisingly,
in that instance, almost all judges were once members of the legislature. In other
states, they are appointed by the Governor with the consent of the legislature, much as
in the federal system, in still others they are elected by the populace in a general

The link below, from the American Judicature
Society can provide you with more detailed information.

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