Saturday, January 9, 2016

With education as the overiding theme, how does To Kill a Mockingbird have relevance in 2011?I'd like to consider family structure, formal...

There's a lot to cover in this

In regards to family structure, family is the first
place we all begin our education--both academically and socially.  This is as true today
as it was in the 1930s when To Kill A Mockingbird is set.  Jem and
Scout get the foundation of their beliefs and education from their father Atticus, and
go to school, interact with other, without knowing there are people who believe
differently or who have been taught differently.  Atticus has taught Jem and Scout is
see people as people, but that is quite a different view point than the kids Jem and
Scout go to school with.

Many people in Maycomb are shocked
that a single father with a full time, demanding job could be such a good role model and
educator for his children; a lot of people feel the same way today--that children from
single parent families, or non-traditional families do not have as much educational
opportunity or success than their more traditional

Jem and Scout are educated in the ways of
Maycomb--they know about the Radleys, the Ewells and the Cunninghams.  However, Miss
Caroline, the symbol of formal education, doesn't know these social tradition and makes
a fool of herself on the first day with both Walter Cunningham and Burris Ewell.  This
goes to show that formal education is not necessarily the primary or only education

Scout gets scolded at school for being
advanced--able to read and write--which seems inconsistent with what Scout has been
taught at home--to love to read with her father.  The inconsistencies of education at
school (formal education ) versus informal education (education on one's own or at home)
still is present today, though often it takes a more religious slant--some parents don't
want schools teaching their children religious values while other parents think it's the
duty of teachers to instill morals and values in the

These are just a few good places to get

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