Sunday, October 20, 2013

What problems or obstacles are unresolved at the end of A midsummers nights dream?

Some of things that remain unresolved, in this play

Oberon does not get what he wanted, which was the boy
that Titania is protecting (her squire).

Bottom is left
with memories of what happened and this leaves him confused and distressed.  The lasting
effect that this will have is unknown.

Lysander and
Demitrius are not aware of why their feelings changed. For Lysander this was remedied
but Demitrius remains under the magical effects iof the flower and we wonder how long
this will last? Will the effects wear off in time ?

also doubted Demitrius' love for her and this must remain in her mind.  She was under
the impression that they were teasing her in the woods and somehow this must stay in her
mind.  What will the future bring for their relationship.

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