Peter was declared the first bishop of the Catholic Church
and Vicar of Christ way officially only after Jesus had died. According to the Bible,
Jesus had said that he would build his church and use Peter (whose name means ROCK, or
Petra) as the rock of his church. This being said, Peter was NOT a Pope when he was
alive and there is no evidence in the Bible that states that Jesus did anything remotely
close as to bestow upon Peter a title such as
"Simon Cephas answered and said, ‘You are
the Messiah, the Son of the living God.’ Jesus answered and said unto him, ‘Blessed are
you, Simon, son of Jonah: flesh and blood has not revealed it unto thee, but my Father
which is in heaven. And I say unto thee also, that you are Cephas, and on this rock will
I build my Church; and the gates of hades shall not prevail against it" (The
Diatesseron 23 [A.D. 170]).
although Jesus does seem to have placed a responsibility upon Peter, the official
version of events doesn't occur until way later.
As often
happens with major religions, most of these adjudications are given by other people.
There were more than plenty Councils (meetings among the elders of the Church) where the
Bible and the teachings of Jesus were, let's say, "amended" for the benefit of some and
the ignorance of many. This is also why Peter would have been able to be a Pope AND
married to boot: Because the statutes placed upon priests were established even further
on during the Council of Elvira (circa 300 years AFTER Jesus's death which stated
Bishops, presbyters, deacons, and others with
a position in the ministry are to abstain completely from sexual intercourse with their
wives and from the procreation of children. If anyone disobeys, he shall be removed from
the clerical office.
Therefore, the official post
of Peter is unclear as far as the modern definition of what a Pope is. However, let's
suffice to say that the Bible does state that Jesus had a plan for Peter (if the
translations from Arameic to Greek did not corrupt the words Petras and Petro) and that
the official title of Peter as Pope is basically a title given later by the Councils and
translators of the Bible.
Please take a look at the link
provided to get information of the origins of Peter as Pope.
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