Tuesday, February 4, 2014

How does the use of dialect in Jerry Cruncher's long speeches reinforce aspects of his characterization? (Book the Third, Chapters 9-15)A Tale of...

In Dickens's London, the dialect of a person is an
indication of that person's socio-economic class and, concomitantly, his level of
education.  In addition to his portrayal as a character of the lower class, Jerry
Cruncher provides comic relief as his creative terms and "luminous idea" of calling
himself the euphemism of "Agricultooral character," for example, is a digression from
the seriousness of the plot at this point of the novel. Jerry's graverobbing also
parodies the theme of resurrection. 

On the other hand,
Jerry's speeches provide an insight into the life "on the other side" as it were. His
descriptions of his wife's "flopping" connotes his disrespect for prayer and his
rationalization of his actions by employing such a euphemism. But, he also displays
insight.  For instance, in his explanation of the value of his "agricultooral
character," while Jerry explains that the doctors need bodies for scientific progress
and they make money as a result, he makes only "fardens."  Pointing to the hypocrisy of
the upper class, Jerry cites his wife's "flopping" and prayers while no gentlewoman
married to a doctor prays for any of the cadavers on which their husbands

Jerry demonstrates logical reasoning, too, as he
creates a strong argument against Mr. Lorry's dismissing him as a messenger for
Tellson's Bank as he explains that his son, too, sits upon the stool outside the bank
and needs employment so that his father will not do more

that there stool, at thtat there Bar, set that there boy of mine, brought up and growed
up to be a man, wot will errand you, message you, general-light-job you, till your heels
is where you head is, if such should be your wishes.  If it wos so, which I still don't
say it is...let that there boy keep his father's place, and take care of his mother;
don't blow upon that boy's father--do not do it, sir--and let that father go into the
line of the reg'lar diggin', and make amends for what he would hav un-dug--if it wos
so--by diggin' of 'em in with a will, and with conwictions respectin' the futur' keepin'
of 'em safe.... 

Jerry is, although uneducated, a shrewd man, who can and does prove to be an asset to
Mr. Lorry, as well as the Manette/Darnay family.  And, in Chapter XIV of Book the Third,
Jerry vows to reform and give up his gravedigging and persecution of his wife for


Respectin’ a future spear o’ life, miss,”
returned Mr. Cruncher, “I hope so. Respectin’ any present use o’ this here blessed old
head o’ mind, I think not. Would you do me the favour, miss, to take notice o’ two
promises and wows wot it is my wishes fur to record in this here

Thus, Jerry becomes
a reformed man, resurrected from his own sins.  His character is an important part of
the structure of A Tale of Two Cities as it provides contrast for
the themes of resurrection and quiet and peacful domesticity; in addition, it also
provides delightful comic relief.

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