Saturday, September 20, 2014

What are some distinctive cultural traits of the Sioux (Lakota) Indians?

I would say that one of the most distinctive cultural
traits of the Sioux lies in their resistance to White America.  I think that it can be
seen as cultural because throughout different periods in their history, the culture of
resistance defiance have been present.  For example, while the Shoshone treated Lewis
and Clark in a hospitable manner, the Lakota people outwardly treated them in a hostile
and aggressive manner, seeming to recognize early on that White exploration of land
usually translated into White takeover of land.  The Sioux greeted American expansionism
with aggressiveness and a sense of mistrust, demanding that agreements be drafted
between their tribe and the United States government in order to create a zone where
they would not be bothered.  The cultural hostility towards White society manifested
itself with Custer's slaughter, as well as the Great Sioux War.  While the tribe's
experience with White America has been an overall negative one, the cultural trait of
resistance still is present.  Members of the Sioux tribe have significantly touted their
membership in the UNPO (Unrepresented Nations and People Organization) "to seek
protection and recognition for their cultural and land rights."  It is here that the
cultural trait of resistance and dissent seemed to be part of what defines the Sioux
people and their relationship with White America.

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