Friday, September 26, 2014

What's the theme in paragraph four as related to the whole poem "Railway Club Blues" by Pete Trower?

One possible theme of "Railway Club Blues" is that of two
generations coming together for a common cause. That cause in this poem is music. Trower
begins by detailing the differences between the youth of today's generation and the
youth of his childhood.


I journey through the past along the pints,
among the punks who propagate the game, the whitewashed girls; the boys like cockatoos,
with shaven heads and crests of orange hair, strange children of the simple punks we

The poet then makes a
connection among the two different generations.


In limbo where the time has gone awry, and now
meets then in tipsy

Trower then
mentions how the faces of today's youth create a "kindred memory" and srike a "common

The last stanza, the two generations are brought
together through jazz music and "all cardboard boundaries are erased." The poet sees the
same appreciation for jazz in the modern youth as in the youth of his older

The theme of connecting two generations through
a love of music is woven together through three stanzas - an account of their
differences, a connection of their commonalities, and finally an appreciation for jazz
that spans both generations.

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