Sunday, July 12, 2015

What specific details can you infer about Miss Brill's character in Mansfield's "Miss Brill"?

The opening line allows us to infer quite a bit about Miss
Brill's character traits. This first sentence informs us that Miss Brill is headed to
the "Jardins Publiques" on an outing. In France, public gardens (jardins publiques) are
often the estates of nobility that have been converted to public gardens. Throughout
France, these are elegant, gracious, spacious gardens, if href="">examples
in Paris can be taken as a model. From this setting, we can infer that Miss Brill has a
background that has given her elegant taste and that she appreciates the richly
cultivated beauty of the Jardins Publiques to which she walks every

We can also infer that she is content (or has been up until
the day of the story) with the changing tides of the seasons and finds peace in each
variation of season. We can infer this because of her stream of consciousness response,
as reported by the limited third person narrator, to the chill in the early summer air
in which she finds a poetic pleasure:


The air was motionless, but when you opened your
mouth there was just a faint chill, like a chill from a glass of iced water before you
sip ....

We know it is early
summer because in her reported stream of consciousness she says it is the beginning of
the season and that she anticipates the pleasures of the season with

the band sounded louder and gayer. That was because the Season had begun. ... although
the band played all the year round

As an aside, this quote
may be seen as symbolically indicating that, though Miss Brill is not yet really old,
she is in the last breathe of vigor before the blazing sun of life burns her energy out
and approaching winter chills her beyond the reach of a favored fox

We can further infer that even though her
circumstances are now constrained and her present social class may not be what it once
was, she is:

  • affectionate; "Dear little thing!
    It was nice to feel it again."

  • optimistic: "Never mind--a
    little dab of black sealing-wax when the time came

  • cheerful: "the band sounded louder and

  • observant:"Wasn't the conductor wearing a new
    coat, too? She was sure it was new."

  • appreciative of
    beauty: "Now there came a little "flutey" bit--very pretty!--a little chain of bright

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