Following Celia's suggestion that her and Rosalind flee
court to the Forest of Arden following Rosalind's banishment by her father, the two
young women work out a two-fold plan to protect themselves from any villains that they
may come across on their travels. Firstly, Rosalind plans to disguise herself as a man
so that they do not appear to be two unprotected damsels. Note what she suggests to
it not better,Because that I am more than common
tall,That I did suit me all points like a
man?A gallant curtal-axe upon my
thigh,A boar-spear in my hand, and in my
heart,Lie there what hidden woman's fear there
will,We'll have a swashing and a martial
outside,As many other mannish cowards
haveThat do outface it with their
Rosalind, by
planning to disguise herself as a man, thus hopes to cover up her "hidden woman's fear"
with a show of "martial outside," presenting a bold and brave exterior that hopefully
should deter anyone that wishes to cause them
Secondly, Rosalind also suggests that in case this
plan doesn't work, they should take Touchstone the fool with them just in case, so that
he can be "comfort to our travail." Presumably, having an actual man with them in
addition to Rosalind disguising herself as one would give them greater
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