Sunday, January 26, 2014

What meaning does the quote at the beginning of Chapter Three of The Secret Life of Bees have?“New beekeepers are told that the way to find the...

Your excellent question of course relates to the way in
which the quotes that begin each chapter relate to the contents of the chapter. What is
interesting about Chapter Three is the way that we see Lily making an important
discovery that will lead her to the queen bee, August, who will have such an important
impact on her life. Note what leads her to discovering August and her whereabouts is
seeing the picture of the black Virgin Mary in the shop and asking the shop attendant
about it. Of course, finding one of the queen bee's attendants, in the form of a shop
that sells August's honey, allows Lily to locate the queen bee herself, as the shop
attendant gives her the directions to August's house:


Oh, sure, it's the darndest house you ever saw.
Painted like Pepto-Bismol. Your grandmother surely's seen it--you go through town on
Main Street until it turns into the highway to

Thus it is that we
see Lily making another important step in her journey to

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What is the meaning of the 4th stanza of Eliot's Preludes, especially the lines "I am moved by fancies...Infinitely suffering thing".

A century old this year, T.S. Eliot's Preludes raises the curtain on his great modernist masterpieces, The Love...