Sunday, June 22, 2014

What are some quotes that could answer "the setting gives the effect of" in The Secret Life of Bees?it must be a passage or quote from the book.

In order to choose quotations to "answer" the prompt, you
must complete that sentence.  What kind of effects do you see in the setting of the
story?  Remember, setting is time and place, so you can explore the effects of the story
happening in that particular time and that particular place. Once you do that, you can
support the completed statement with a quote or two from the

Let me give you an example.  In Chapter Four, Lily
describes her first time in the honey house,

readability="12"> big room filled with strange
honey-making machines - big tanks, gas burners, troughs, levers, white boxes, and racks
piled with waxy honeycombs.  My nostrils nearly drowned in the scent of sweetness

The effect of the
setting on me is that the people in this household are like the worker bees, laboring
industriously, and finding sweetness in what they do.  That's always how the honey house
strikes me.

What kind of effects do you see in the time and
places described in the book?  There is that wonderful description of the Boatwrights'
"parlor" when Lily first enters the house. There is May's wall.  There is T. Ray's
house. What effect does that have on the reader?  Decide what setting you wish to use to
complete the prompt, and then add some quotations that support the

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