Sunday, August 3, 2014

How would you describe Ralph's success in maintaining control of the boys throughout chapter 2 of Lord of the Flies?

During a meeting, Ralph's authority wavers as the boys
question what he is going to to about the snake-thing and as Jack challenges his
authority by taking the conch out of his hand at one point to make sure that Jack too is
heard. But as the meeting gets closer to a close, the author describes the boys attitude
toward Ralph like this:


The assembly was lifted toward safety by his
words. They liked and now respected him. Spontaneously they began
to clap and presently the platform was loud with

Ralph had gained
their trust. Ralph successfully earned their allegiance to his ideas, but like all good
societies, leaders are often questioned when the going gets a little tough. Tough times
are bound to be just around the corner as there are no adults to keep order among the
boys when they fight among themselves.

Ralph has also
gaived their obedience. They willingly follow his idea to light a signal

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