Monday, September 8, 2014

In To Kill a Mockingbird, what are 4 examples that apply to Atticus' quote about entering into someone else's skin and seeing from their...

The first example comes when Atticus explains this concept
to Scout following her disastrous first day of school with Miss Caroline (Chapter

"You never
really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view--until you
climb into his skin and walk around in

At the missionary circle
tea, Atticus brings the news of Tom's death. Miss Maudie and Aunt Alexandra compose
themselves, and then return to serving refreshments. Scout is impressed, and she
suddenly recognizes that this is part of being a lady (Chapter

all, if Aunty could be a lady at a time like this, so could

Perhaps the best example
is experienced by Scout herself as she stands on Boo Radley's porch, looking upon her
neighborhood as if seeing it through Boo's own eyes (Chapter

The final example comes at the end of the novel
(Chapter 31) when Atticus carries Scout to bed on the night of Bob Ewell's attack.
Atticus has been reading to her from The Grey Ghost, and Scout
recognizes that Stoner's Boy, who had been accused of mischief in the story, is actually
"real nice." The story parallels that of her own evening with Boo

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