Tuesday, October 21, 2014

do you think it is difficult to have sympthy for macbeth?

This is an interesting questions.  The answer truly
depends upon perspective.  First, it is always the role of the reader to "bond" with the
title character.  We see Macbeth early on as a loyal and wholesome subject of the king. 
Then, we see his mind manipulated by the witches and by his wife.  It is hard to NOT be
sympathetic to a man who has been so manipulated.

beyond that, Macbeth is a murderer, a murderer of the king and kinsmen, a murderer of
his best friend, and a murder of an innocent woman and her children.  He puts his own
soldiers' lives in jeaopardy as he refuses rational thinking in favor of blind belief in
the second set of prophecies.  For this reason, the reader finds it difficult to be
sympathetic towards him.

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