Friday, October 17, 2014

What faults in our society does Huxley point out in Brave New World?

In Brave New World, Huxley takes a
crack at nearly every aspect of society,

  • Our addiction to pleasure in physical,
    emotional, and religious forms

  • Our blind belief in
    science and technology to replace traditional customs and

  • Our addiction to entertainment, whether it be
    sports (centrifugal bumble-puppy) or visual mass media

  • Our over-medication (soma) using

  • Our overuse of birth control (Malthusian

  • Our educational system which conditions students
    to hate books and nature (neo-Pavlovian conditioning)

  • Our
    statified society in which a small percentage of the wealthy control the other, more
    populous workers

  • Our abuse of government power that
    wishes to bring about communism, socialism, or globalization (one state, World

  • Our attacks upon individualism (John) and the
    glorification of the group and tribalism and sameness (identity, stability,

  • Our abuse of natural resources to serve our
    industrial complex (building huge stadiums in the middle of nowhere so that we expend
    many resources to get there)

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