This is a very interesting question. On one hand, Bono
can be judged as being non- interventionist and unwilling to involve himself to a
certain extent in finding out about Rose and Troy. It is seen that he warns Bono about
this in the First Act, telling him to disengage. In the Second Act, Bono displays his
dissatisfaction by disengaging, himself, out of he relationship. This can be judged as
being apathetic, to a certain extent. Bono can be judged as being someone who simply
looks out for his own interest at a certain point.
I think that there is something deeper here. Both men are strikingly similar. Troy and
Bono both befriended one another while in prison, both work at a job that challenges
both in terms of discrimination and challenges, both men face racial challenges and
hurdles due to economic limitations. Yet, both men approach their personal life
entirely different. Troy is unable to find peace, or some type of psychological
grounding. Bono is able to find some level of happiness. His relationship with Lucille
is one where there is love, support, and the demonstration that a man can be faithful
and happy. In this realm, Bono not only operates as Troy's emotional foil, but also
displays how what it means to find happiness despite social challenges and
difficulties. Bono speaks of "the walking blues" and tells Troy that such happiness is
possible. Yet, when Troy consistently fails to heed Bono's advice about his
relationship with Alberta, Bono might simply recognize the signs that both men are
fundamentally different. Bono has struggled in the same way as Troy, and has fought to
find his happiness. His disengagement might simply be his attempt to maintain his
happiness while Troy is incapable of establishing his. In this light, Bono cannot be
judged too harshly for not wanting to implicate himself further with the self
destruction of Troy's behavior. To this extent, I do not think that too harsh of
judgment can be rendered. Who among us has not had to leave someone who simply refuses
to be helped? It might be here that Bono's character resides, as evidence of someone
who can find happiness, who can find personal hope, and refuses to surrender that to
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