Wednesday, October 9, 2013

How does Kate Chopin create an effective setting for the novel?

The story of Edna Pontellier, the protagonist of
The Awakening, rests significantly on the choice made by Chopin is
have the story set in Creole New Orleans at the turn of the 20th century.  By making
this choice, she is able to use the atmosphere and societal expectations of the time and
place as an immediate impediment to Edna, who is not Creole born, but someone who has
married into this society.

The novel opens during the late
summer when the upper class of Creole soceity are at summer cottages near the shore and
away from the confines and heat of the city.  The atmosphere is freer and more relaxed. 
The children and adults play, swim and socialize. It is through these early scenes and
chapters that the reader learns a bit about the Creole society and "mentality."  We
learn about their concept of "mother-woman" and how these people view the role of women
to primarily be "ministering angels" to their children first and their husbands as
well.  We learn about their free way with one another -- very open, affectionate, and
uncensored.  But there is also a high moral expectation that comes from the Catholic
background, and it is expected that married people will act only in accordance with
their marriage vows.  It is SO expected that Adele (the perfect Creole woman) says that
"the Creole husband is never jealous; with him the gangrene (dangerous) passion
(jealousy) is one which has become dwarfed by disuse."  Edna's friendship with Robert is
of no concern to her husband.  

In addition to this
"social" aspect of setting, Chopin also does a wonderful job with the physical
setting.  The beauty of the sunny beaches and the heat of day make the reader feel they
are there.  The "silver moon that turns to cooper" makes the reader feel the change in
the mood during the evening of the party and the late-night swimming.  The descriptions
of the sea as "seductive, never ceasing, whispering, clamoring, murmuring ... in
solitude" makes the reader feel as if they are in the water themselves -- luxuriating in
its mystery.  Once the summer is over and all the characters return to New Orleans
proper, it is established that the Pontelliers live on the nicest street in town and
that they move in the best of social circles.  Each person's home is described in enough
detail to suggest how the home reflects its owner -- thus Mademoiselle Reisz's apartment
is small and inconvenient, just as she is odd
and disagreeable.

The novel is rich in its use of imagery,
symbolism, and metaphor so as to paint a picture of the physical and emotional setting
and atmosphere of the novel.

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