Sunday, January 5, 2014

What is meant by supernatural soliciting? In what way, according to Macbeth, can the supernatural soliciting not be ill?

When Macbeth refers to "supernatural soliciting" in Act
One of the play named after him, he's referring to the predictions made by the witches. 
Basically, Macbeth is thinking aloud, trying to figure out if the witches are good or
evil, whether they are trying to help him or doom

Macbeth reasons that the witches cannot be evil or
wrong or lying because they have given him an "earnest" (a down payment) on the second
prediction (that he will be king), since the first prediction (that he will be Thane of
Cawdor) has come true.  Macbeth reasons that the witches must be speaking accurately and
truthfully to him, rather than trying to "play" him.  He assumes that because the first
prediction came true, the witches must be good, not

At the same time, Macbeth reasons that if the
witches are good and are speaking in a clear, straightforward manner, then why have
their predictions led him to think the unthinkable--that he should kill the king in
order to get the throne for himself.  Something good cannot lead to something so

Thus, Macbeth reasons that the witches can't be evil
or good.  He is at this point undecided about them and their

Macbeth's reasoning, of course, is faulty
here.  He assumes that a prediction that comes true must come from a "good" source. 
Obviously, that is not the case.  He also fails to understand that he begins to think
about assassinating the king because of his tremendous ambition.  His thoughts do not
necessarily reflect on the witches.  They reflect on him.  A different man, his foil,
Banquo, for instance, can hear predictions similar to those concerning Macbeth, without
immediately thinking of murder to make those predictions come true in a hurry.  Banquo
would love to see his heirs rule Scotland, but he is content to wait and let fate take
its course. 

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