Tuesday, May 20, 2014

What is Aristotle's view of tragedy?

Aristotle discusses tragedy at great length in his
treatise known as The Poetics. A particularly crucial passage in
that treatise contains the following statements:

Tragedy is
the imitation of an action; and an action implies personal agents, who necessarily
possess certain distinctive qualities both of character and thought. . . . [In fact,
every tragedy]  must have six parts, which parts determine its quality- namely, Plot,
Character, Diction, Thought, Spectacle, Song.

This passage
reveals a number of important aspects of Aristotle’s thinking about tragedy, including
the following:

  • His tendency to think of tragedy
    as a distinct genre, with its own particular

  • His emphasis on tragedy as one of the various
    kinds of imitation of life, by which people learn.

  • His
    emphasis on the imitation of an action as the crucial aspect of a

  • His distinction between the action itself and
    the plot as the particular arrangement of the
    in an action. An action consists of particular elements, but a plot
    consists of a particular arrangement of those elements (thus, a tragic writer might jump
    into the middle of an action rather than proceeding

  • His assumption that the choice of a
    particular kind of action will determine the choice of appropriate characters, thought,
    diction etc.  Thus, if one decides to write a play about the usurpation of the throne of
    Denmark, particular kinds of characters, thoughts, and speech will
    be appropriate to that particular play, while other kinds will not be appropriate (for
    example, making Hamlet a complete buffoon who speaks with a Cockney accent and who
    thinks mostly about eating nuts would not be

  • His assumption that all the parts of a
    tragedy must be logically consistent with one

  • His assumption that a good tragedy will have a
    high degree of complex unity for all the reasons just

  • His tendency to de-emphasize the final two
    elements he mentions (spectacle and song) as the least crucial, the least important to a
    true tragedy.

  • His tendency to think very logically about
    tragedy, so that all the elements of tragedy just mentioned are necessarily connected
    with one another in ways that contribute to the artistic unity and emotional and
    intellectual impact of the

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