Saturday, June 7, 2014

Discuss a critical appreciation of Lawrence's poem, "Money Madness."

Lawrence's poem speaks to the condition of how wealth
inverts control.  Wealth and money is such a seductive force in Lawrence's poem that we
are not in control of it, but rather it is in control of us.  The poem itself is highly
Romantic in nature, especially in how it seeks to reject something that is so valued by
others and something upon which primacy in society is placed.  From a criticism
standpoint, this is consistent with Lawrence's poetry, in general.  His own statement
about his poetry is that it served to be seen as an "autobiography."  This is certainly
the case in "Money Madness," which presents a personalized view of the horror of money. 
Lawrence's own background from a working class mining family that he grew to detest for
the condition in which it placed his family, one can sense an antipathy towards money
and the materialist fetishes caused by it.  When Lawrence says that money makes us
"quall," one can see his own background as a child emerge in such a line.  From a
criticism point of view, the poem represents Lawrence's own vision of what he wishes his
poetry to be seen as in terms of a "new heaven and earth."  This can be seen in the poem
in the closing lines of the poem:


We must regain our sanity about
before we start killing one another about it.
It's one thing
or the other.

Almost coming
across as a demand to change what is into what should be, Lawrence's poem fits the basic
template of how he both envisioned his poetry from a critical point of view and how he
saw what the purpose of his poetry to be.

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