Saturday, July 5, 2014

Briefly describe those elements of the setting of this story, which make it suitable for FANTASY. "The Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell

Several elements of fantasy exist in Richard Connell's
exciting story, "The Most Dangerous

1.  Setting is not in a fixed

Ship-Trap Island with its castle could
easily exist in the 17th through present times.  While the ship on which Rainsford and
his friend sail to hunt exotic animals would more likely not be around until later since
rifles for hunting were developed later, perhaps in the 19th century after Remington
developed rifles; nevertheless, there is yet a wide time

2. The setting is a remote,
mysterious place that has a castle and a grotesque

 The island has the ominous name of
Ship-Trap, and there is a Death Swamp.  Zaroff's man, Ivan, has had his tongue removed
and cannot talk, and he is totally subservient to his

3.  The plot has surprising

As Rainsford dines formally with the
general, he is shocked as this apparently cultured man suggests his most dangerous
game.  Then, we he learns that he is to be the prey, Rainsford is truly

During the hunt, it seems as though General
Zaroof and Ivan and the dogs have Rainsford trapped in the tree,
Rainsford has an incredulous realization: 


did not want to believe what his reson told him
was true....The general was saving him for another day's sport....Then it was that
Rainsford knew the full meaning of

There is a dynamic villain

General Zaroff, the Cossack, is not a stereotypical villain.  Even at the end of the
story, Zaroff shows enthusiasm for the game and respect for Rainsford's

5.  The hero faces long odds against

Throughout the narrative, it appears
that Rainsford will fall victim to Zaroff, just as all those before him have.  He learns
the meaning of terror, and as the hunt continues, he comes to know "how an animal at bay
feels." Rainsford seems blocked in his escape as he is at the edge of a cliff where
twenty feet below the sea "rumbled and

6.  The strong rule the weak 

Clearly, "The Most Dangerous Game" is the
story of the surival of the fittest, mentally and physcially.

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