Orlando gets to meet Oliver in the Forest of Arden. It
was actually a chance meeting. When Orlando was strolling in the forest, he happends to
see a bearded man in ragged clothes sleeping under an old mossed oak tree. A snake had
coiled around his neck and was about to enter into his mouth. Seeing Orlando in the
vicinity it uncoiled itself and escaped into the safety of a bush wherein lay a hungry
lactating mother whose udders had gone dry. The uncoiling of the snake made the sleepy
man stir and move. The lioness which lay hidden behind the bushes was wanting to attack
the man after ascertaining that he was alive, because it is the natural disposition of a
lion never to attack a dead creature. It was about to attack the man and prey on him.
Orlando after seeing these chain of events approached the man lying under the tree only
to find out that the man was none other but his own brother
Orlando who was meted with immense injustice and
unkindness from his wicked brother, decides to turn his back against his elder brother
and leave him to the mercy of the wicked hungry beast. But the pull of blood and
brotherly love wins over the emotion of revenge. He fought with the lioness bravely and
killed it. This conflict awakens Oliver. Upon awakening,Oliver gets to know the threat
to his life and how he got a new lease of life through his brother . Thus Orlando saves
the life of the elder brother who more than in one instance had contrived to kill
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