Sunday, July 6, 2014

Please give a quote from Into the Wild that tells us about how Chris McCandless is characterised.

You might like to review Chapter 11, which gives us
important information about Chris's upbringing and what he was like as a child and how
he developed into the young man he became. There are lots of quotes from this chapter
that could be used to answer your question, but you might like to think about this one,
that is rather balanced in the way that it presents


McCandless's personality was puzzling in its
complexity. He was intensely private but could be convivial and gregarious in the
extreme. And despire his overdeveloped social conscience, he was no tight-lipped,
perpetually grim do-gooder who frowned on fun. To the contrary, he enjoyed tipping a
glass now and then and was an incorrigible

What draws my attention
to this statement is the way that it shows how the character of Chris McCandless defies
easily categorisation. Krakauer presents us with stereotypes that Chris is shown not to
fit, pointing towards the "complexity" of his character and the dangers of writing off
his death with answers that are too easy and do not really penetrate the depths of his

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