Saturday, November 1, 2014

How does Harper Lee challenge the values relating to prejudice in her times in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Author Harper Lee gives a realistic impression of racial
relations in the Deep South during the 1930s. Segregation rules the day: Blacks and
whites live apart, socialize separately, attend different schools, and congregate at
separate churches. The "N" word is used often, and Negroes are at the bottom of
Maycomb's social ladder--even below the disgraceful Ewells. But there are people who
show tolerance toward all people. Atticus is the most obvious example. He is colorblind
when it comes to whites and blacks, and he treats people of all colors with respect.
When Scout uses the "N" word, he warns her that it is "common"; Scout rarely uses the
word afterward. Miss Maudie and Link Deas are other characters who treat Negroes with
respect instead of like slaves, like Aunt Alexandra and Mrs. Merriweather. Calpurnia is
one black character who is able to mix with both worlds, earning the respect of the
Finch family as well as that of her church. When she brings Jem and Scout to her First
Purchase Church, she breaks the unspoken rule that only blacks are allowed. Jem and
Scout find that the congregation welcomes them politely and

Other forms of prejudice are also
addressed in the character of Boo Radley, who is scorned by most of the town because of
his eccentricities and invisibility. Dolphus Raymond is outcast by the white population
because he prefers the company of black people. Scout sees first-hand the prejudice
displayed by the missionary circle tea regarding their views of the Mruna tribe and
Maycomb's own black population. She also recognizes the conflicting rhetoric of Miss
Gates, who hates Hitler's condemnation of the Jews but supports the subjugation of
blacks in Maycomb.

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