Thursday, January 22, 2015

Can you please suggest a good topic for doing my mathematics project?

This is a hard question to answer without knowing more
about the specific requirements of your project, and the types of math used in your

I've done several math projects, all involving
mathematical modeling--using mathematics to describe a real-life
system. This generally breaks down into two different

Continuous modeling:
describing something that changes continuously over time. For example, we might model
how a population of some animal species changes over time, especially with the
introduction of predators and prey. Continuous modeling usually involves calculus,
specifically differential equations.

describing things that operate in "whole" units. For example,
determining the optimal route number and routes of a delivery truck, or how to most
efficiently schedule classrooms to teachers, or how to maximize profit subject to some
constraints. Discrete modeling can use mathematics such as linear algebra, statistics
and probability, algorithms, etc.

The process of coming up
with a model is roughly as follows:

1. Determine a real
life situation to model, and collect real life data relating to the

2. Formulate a mathematical model that describes the

3. Use the model to predict the solution to the
problem, or predict what would happen under different

4. Go back to step one, evaluate how well your
model fit the problem, and continue to iterate through these steps until you have a
solid model.

The experiences through all of these steps can
be detailed in your project, along with the ultimately perfected model and discoveries
you made.

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