In Alice Walker’s short story titled “Everyday Use,” the
two sisters – Dee and Maggie – are initially and consistently described in ways that
emphasize their differences. Of the two sisters, the one who perhaps most resembles
Walker herself (at least at the time the story was written) is
- Whereas Dee is self-confident and
attractive, Maggie is described as a “nervous” person who is
homely and ashamed of the burn scars down her
arms and legs, eying her sister with a mixture of envy and
- Whereas Dee
has lighter skin than Maggie and is more attractive physically, Maggie is said to have a
“thin body” and is compared to a “lame animal.” - Whereas
Maggie was burned in a fire that destroyed the family’s earlier house, Dee was untouched
by the flames and was not bothered by the house’s
destruction. - Whereas Dee is well educated and proud of
her education, Maggie’s education is limited; her own mother describes her as “not
bright.” - Whereas Dee dresses well and is stylish, Maggie
dresses very plainly. - Whereas Dee is financially
comfortable, Maggie is not. - Whereas Dee has a male
partner, Maggie does not. - Whereas Dee has changed her
name, Maggie has not. - Whereas Dee is highly
race-conscious, Maggie is not. - Whereas Dee speaks loudly
and brashly, Dee speaks “so low you almost couldn’t hear
her.” - Whereas Dee “has a temper,” Maggie does
not. - Whereas Dee is pretentious and assertive, Maggie is
humble. - Whereas Dee is self-centered and demanding,
Maggie is generous, as when she offers Dee the
quilts. - Whereas Dee is ambitious in a worldly way, Maggie
is not.
Of the two sisters, Walker probably
identified most strongly with Maggie, especially because of “her childhood memories of
the visits home by her brilliant and accomplished older sister, who, as she wrote in her
poem 'For My Sister Molly Who in the Fifties,'
Another life With
Far less
And moved and moved and
(See Susan Belasco and
Linck Johnson, eds., The Bedford Anthology of American Literature 2
vols. (Boston: Bedford / St. Martin’s, 2008), 2:
- In addition, like Maggie, Walker herself
had suffered an early physical impairment: she became blind in one eye after having been
shot in that eye by a BB gun.
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