Saturday, August 8, 2015

In a summary of Lord of the Flies, who is Lord of the Flies, and was the naval officer always looking over them?

Lord of the Flies is a novel that
shows how the boys who are stranded on the island turn into savages. Jack and his
hunters become cruel. They torture a sow while hunting. They have no mercy on the sow.
They cut off the head and hang it on a stick. This becomes a symbol. The head on the
stick is the Lord of the Flies.

During the killing of this
sow, the boys are particularly cruel. Roger puts his spear in the sow's rectum and puts
all his weight on it. The pig screams in agony:


They corner the wounded pig, and when she falls
they are on her. Roger is particularly cruel, driving in his spear slowly by leaning his
weight upon it until the sow screams in agony. Then Jack cuts its throat. Jack begins to
rub the blood on his hands onto Maurice, and then they notice Roger withdraw his spear.
They become hysterical because he had pinned the sow by driving the spear through its

The boys giggle and
laugh hysterically. They are enjoying the blood and "colored guts" of the sow. They are
intentionally mean. They have become savages. They play and reenact their acts of

reenact the slaughter until they grow

Hunting is all fun and
games. Jack flicks blood on the others. They do not properly dispose of the remains of
the pig. They leave his bloody head on a stick, proclaiming it is Lord of the

As far as the naval officer is concerned, he shows
up in the last chapter. He had not been observing the boys. He was passing by the island
and saw the smoke from the boys' fire.

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