Wednesday, September 30, 2015

What personal qualities does "Bod" display in confronting the conflict with the Jacks in Gaiman's The Graveyard Book?

Bod is a teenager when he finally confronts his conflict
with the Jacks, of course, he thinks there is only one Jack through all those years. His
first conflict with them comes when he goes to the pawn shop. After being trapped in a
room, Liza Hempstock appears to save him by teaching him to Fade like a ghost. He
listens to her lesson and she manages to get him safely
out. On the way out, he has so much presence of mind, even
in dangerous conflict, that he manages to find something to take with him--a paper
weight--with which to make Liza a headstone for her unhallowed

The next conflict with the Jacks is with Mr. Frost
who is living in Bod's old house and is Bod's old enemy--the Jack
who chased him when a baby to the graveyard. Upstairs in the nursery, Mr. Frost, alias
Jack, tries to kill Bod. While he is escaping, Bod has loyalty and
to drag Scarlett with him when he Fades to safety. Finally, all
the Jacks converge on them in the graveyard.


The sound of shoes slapping against the pavement,
and two men were on the other side of the gates, rattling them, pulling at

When he and Scarlett
are being pursued by the Jacks, Bod demonstrates a great
memory: all the places where he found trouble in the
graveyard are the places where he gets rid of his present trouble. He sends some of the
Jacks through the ghoul-gate and one down an empty grave. The worst Jack, Mr. Frost, Bod
tricks into claiming power to rule over the Sleer. The Sleer then appropriates Mr.
"Jack" Frost and takes him into his barrow lair--forever. Jack has
courage, calmness in the face of danger and
cunning to shrewdly save himself and Scarlett from
harm--with Silas aiding by taking her memories of the

"How is
she?" [Bod asked]
"I took her memories," said

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