Friday, October 16, 2015

What is the significance of Stradlater borrowing Holden's jacket?

Stradlater borrows Holden's jacket to wear while he's on a
date with Jane Gallagher, a girl that Holden is enamored by.  This shows Stradlater's
complete self-absorption.  Holden has been expelled from Pencey but instead of
supporting his roommate, Stradlater is thinking only of himself and his date with Jane. 
It drives Holden crazy thinking about Stradlater "giving the time" to

This is further emphasized when Stradlater asks
Holden to write his composition for him.  He takes advantage of Holden's sensitivity by
pressuring him into doing his homework while he goes on a date with Jane.  And when
Holden writes the descriptive essay about Allie's baseball glove instead of the room
that Stradlater ordered, he is annoyed that the essay is too good and completely unaware
of Holden's grief.

Stradlater's borrowing of the jacket is
just one example of egotistic personality and insensitivity to his

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