Monday, September 30, 2013

What are some reasons that satire became popular in the age of John Dryden and Alexander Pope?

Satire, it can be argued, became an especially popular
genre in English poetry during the age of John Dryden and Alexander Pope for a number of
reasons.  Among those reasons are the

  • The growth of political partisanship,
    especially developing tensions between “Whigs” and “Tories.” A hundred years earlier,
    during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, factions had existed at the royal court, but the
    rise of formal political factions or “parties” as such was still in the future.  Satire
    was a means by which political factions in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth
    centuries could express their opposition to one

  • The growth of religious divisions, particularly
    between Protestants and Catholics and within Protestantism.  Again, satire was a kind of
    writing especially appropriate to the expression of religious

  • The rise of rationalism (an emphasis on
    “Reason”), which was now increasingly seen as an alternative to religion and which soon
    had its own advocates and detractors.

  • The rise of
    professional writers – authors who earned their livings by writing poetry, often of a
    satirical kind. Satire was lively, controversial, and topical and thus had plenty of
    readers.  The “market” for satire during this period was a healthy

  • The rise of the power of parliament and of the
    middle classes.  Whereas under Queen Elizabeth the monarch and the aristocracy were the
    most powerful persons in the land, after 1660 power became more dispersed, conflicts
    among the powerful became more open, and the need to win allies and attack enemies by
    using the popular press had become more urgent.

  • The
    controversies associated with the Civil War had schooled many English writers in the
    arts of satirical prose, especially in the form of satirical pamphlets. During the age
    of Dryden and Pope, writers of satire were often poets influenced by classical Roman
    satirists, especially the poet Horace.

  • A growing sense
    that the purpose of literature was to be explicitly didactic (that is, to teach lessons,
    especially moral lessons). Satire is a genre that lends itself to explicit instruction
    and persuasion.

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