Bearing is an angle measured from the meridian (the North
South line) to the line. In sketching bearing follow these
1. Draw the meridian. It should be a vertical line
on your paper. The upper end will be denoted as the North and the lower end is denoted
as the South.
2. Draw a line perpendicular to the meridian
line (horizontal line). We will call this as the East-West line with the right end
denoted as East and the left end denoted as the West. Notice we have formed a system
similar to the rectangular coordinate system. The 1st quadrant being the NE quadrant;
the 2nd quadrant will be the NW quadrant; the 3rd is the SW quadrant; and the 4th as the
SE quadrant.
3. Now draw a line starting from the origin
(the intersection of the meridian and the East-West line) towards any direction you want
and call this as line L. The angle between the meridian and L is the value of the
bearing, which is measured from the meridian to the L either clockwise or
counterclockwise direction depending on which quadrant the L is drawn. Note the value of
the angle cannot be greater than
line L1 is drawn in the 1st quadrant or the NE quadrant,
then the angle is measured from the meridian in clockwise direction to line
L1. If the value of the angle is 30° then the bearing of
line L1 is 30°NE or
N30°E. Now if another line L2
is drawn in the 2nd quadrant or the NW quadrant, then the angle is measured from the
meridian in counterclockwise direction to line L2 If the
value of the angle is 45° then the bearing of line L2 is
45°NW or N30°W. In cases where
the line is drawn in the 3rd or SW quadrant and 4th quadrant or SE quadrant, the angle
will be measured in clockwise and counterclockwise direction respectively from the
meridian to the line.
The bearing is used to describe
direction. It becomes meaningless if expressed without the name of the quadrant
attached to it.
What if the value of the
angle is 0° or 90°?
When the value of the
angle is 0° then the direction of the line is either North
or South and when the value of the angle is 90° then the
direction of the line is either East or West. Here we will omit the value and label the
bearing as either due N, due S, due E or due
Furthermore do not fuse Bearing and Whole
Circle Bearing in case you will encounter the latter someday. Whole Circle Bearing is
commonly known as Azimuth and is another different concept.
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