Ethics refers to the value judgments one places on
behaviour. Ethical questions develop when a researcher claims another persons work as
his/her own, or when the data is distorted or falsified to cover up unwanted
conclusions. In many cases involving studies that address issues of child development
or behaviour, the researcher own biases are sometimes ignored or not even recognized to
exisit. The studies of child develpoment all start from the built in predujices of our
own childhood development. We were all children, once. When one collects data, bias is
always present. The larger the data sample, sometimes gives conclusions or insights
that have a wider application. Peer review of ones data, and the conclusions drawn from
that data are one way of minimizing bias. From my own experience as a parent and a
teacher, I have not seen very much that has been helpful in studies that claim to
project conclusions about child psychology and
As a teacher, acceptance of the individual and
attempts to communicate with the individual are very much individualistic. I have seen
teenagers who were written off, become wonderful investigators of the world around them,
and have been thrilled by the contributions they have made to the society around
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