Thursday, December 4, 2014

In part two, How is Scout's relationship with her brother Jem changing in To Kill A Mockingbird?

In part two of To Kill A Mockingbird,
Jem is growing up. He and Dill are beginning to enjoy activities in which Scout is not
invited. For example, Jem is teaching Dill to swim and Scout is not

Scout is beginning to feel left out. She visits
Miss Maudie when she feels down and out.

Also, Jem seems to
have less patience with Scout. He is not pleased when she cries. Also, he tells her to
act more like a girl.

Calpurnia addresses Jem as mister. He
likes his new title, but Scout misses the brother that used to enjoy scoping out the
Radley place. Now, Jem is old enough until he no longer believes all the myths about the
Radley place. Also, he realizes that life is unfair:


He realizes that right does not always triumph.
This is traumatic for a child on the brink of becoming an adult. Jem is, though,
fortunate to have the gentle guidance of his father to see past the hypocrisy that seems
to surround him. His respect for his father develops in the light of the same events
which trouble him.

As Jem
matures, Scout is forced to mature as well. She has to accept that Jem is no longer her
fond playmate. He is growing into a young man who now views fun and games

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