Saturday, April 25, 2015

What are some examples of Sophocles’ use of dramatic irony in his play Oedipus Rex?

“Dramatic irony” has been briefly and helpfully defined at as follows:


irony that is inherent in speeches or a situation
of a drama and is understood by the audience but not grasped by the characters in the

Sophocles’ tragedy
Oedipus Rex displays numerous examples of dramatic irony, including
the following:

  • At one point Oedipus declares
    that the man who killed Laius may also kill Oedipus (167-69; Ian Johnston translation;
    see link below). He does not know, of course, that he is the man who killed Laius,
    although anyone familiar with the Oedipus legend would know

  • Oedipus ironically proclaims that by avenging Laius
    he will serve himself (170).

  • Oedipus vows to discover the
    criminal lest a “common ruin” afflict Thebes (177). Of course, by discovering the
    criminal (himself) he ruins his own life.

  • At one point
    Oedipus declares,


If someone knows the killer is a

from some other state, let him not stay mute.

Oedipus, of course, was originally not from

  • Oedipus
    declares that the killer of Laius is the cause of the city’s “pollution” (281), not
    realizing, of course, that he is the killer of

  • Oedipus hopes that the killer of Laius will suffer
    “the worst of agonies” (287) – a fate, of course, that will eventually be his

  • Oedipus


. . . I pray, too,
that, if he should
become an honoured guest
in my own home and with my
I may suffer all those things I’ve
just called down
upon the killers.

The dramatic irony
of this prayer should be obvious.

  • Oedipus notes
    that he is now married to Laius’s wife, not realizing, of course, that this woman is his
    own mother (303).

  • Oedipus laments that “fate swooped
    down” on Laius’s head (308), not realizing that fate is about to swoop down on his own

  • When Tiresias will not tell Oedipus what Tiresias
    knows about the killing, Oedipus calls him the “most disgraceful of disgraceful men!”
    (399) – a description that will later fit Oedipus himself especially

  • Oedipus accuses Tiresias of having had some role in
    Laius’s death – an ironic accusation if there ever was one

  • Tiresias tells Oedipus that someday the
    latter’s eyes will be dark (505-06), but there is no way at this point for Oedipus to
    realize that he will later blind himself.

  • Tiresias
    reveals many specific details about the killer’s identity (546-59), but Oedipus cannot
    see (as the audience can) how these details are relevant to his own

  • Oedipus accuses Creon of having killed Laius (640),
    not realizing that he himself is the killer.

should be obvious by now, the specific dramatic ironies that exist in Oedipus
are almost too numerous to list, making it one of the most ironic plays
ever written. Anyone who reads the play for a second time or who knows the Oedipus
legend before reading it cannot help but be struck by the tremendous number of
particular dramatic ironies the play reveals.

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