There are many levels to what a person must do to be
considered a good citizen.
At the most basic level, the
person must obey the laws. Good citizens pay their taxes. Good citizens obviously do
not break the law in major ways like theft and murder. But a truly good citizen also
does not break the law in minor ways that hurt the community, like dumping oil in storm
drains or things like that.
At a second level, good
citizens participate in their government. They must at least vote on a regular basis.
Preferably, they will also make their opinions known on important public
Finally, truly good citizens work to improve their
communities. They do things like volunteering in ways that are beneficial to their
community. They may help at their children's school or they may participate in church
activities that are aimed at charity or community
In these ways, a good citizen obeys the laws
and also participates in improving his or her community.
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